Welcome to the Lampooniverse
Like I said, welcome to the Daily Lampooniverse. If there ever was a piece of printed journalism that deserves its own blog dedicated only to discussing, dissecting, and just dissing it, that journal my friends, is the "The Daily Universe: The Voice of the Brigham Young University Community."
Having said that, here are a few disclaimers. I love BYU, having been here for a number of years with a vague end in the hazy future. I love the people here. I love Provo and also Utah, the city and state that are hosts to BYU. I also love the Church that sponsors BYU.
But does the culture fostered, foisted by BYU, Provo and the Church make me laugh and want to giggle uncontrollably? You bet your sweet bippy it does!
I really have no qualms whatsoever ridiculing the always innocuous, often subpar, frequently trite and pointless "journalism" that fills the Daily Universe (thought: if I really had no qualms, why did I include that disclaimer paragraph?). Which reminds me, here's another disclaimer: be prepared see many words like "journalism" surrounded by " ". Some examples might include "facts," or "reporting." This is often the best way to indicate that these are the fake, almost-there, Daily-Universed versions of those things (journalism, facts, etc.) that often appear in real newspapers but are strangely absent or altered in the Universe.
So before we get the ball rolling, let me say kudos to the staff of dedicated journalism teachers and students who do put out a paper every gosh-dang day. That's not easy. I respect you. I know some of you actually. One of you was my roommate for a summer (don't worry, it was a student, not a teacher). But I still feel that it is my calling to be a "gadfly" if you will, prodding, always prodding you toward your ultimate potential. Which is to produce a newspaper that won't have so many hilarious things for me to laugh at.
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